10 top tips from expert growers on how to increase the size of your buds

10 top tips from expert growers on how to increase the size of your buds

We’ve all heard about different methods and tricks to increase the size of cannabis buds, ranging from stress training techniques to the use of flowering boosters. But no matter what you’ve been told: growing marijuana is a difficult skill to learn which requires lots of time and patience before you can actually consider yourself a pro. But rest assured that everything will be much simpler if you follow these top tips!

If you take cannabis growing seriously, then trying to get your plants to produce the biggest buds should be your top priority. And why not? Big buds are certainly the sign of a successful harvest. Plus they have a richer terpene/cannabinoid profile, as well as greater bag appeal.

However, you’re pretty unlikely to obtain monstrous nuggets on your first attempt, so don’t push yourself too hard. Avoid all those tricks from the Internet and myths with dubious effectiveness; you’ll be much better off following these top tips which are considered by seasoned growers to be the most suitable to obtain buds as big as fists.

1- Increase the intensity of the lighting

Light is the most important factor in terms of bud fattening, as it helps the plants produce energy and sugars through photosynthesis, which eventually leads to larger flowers. In the past, growers used lights of up to 1000W per square metre for optimum results. Nowadays, though, watts are not as important thanks to the arrival of LED lamps. In any case, anything you can do to get more intense lighting on your flowering buds will help to increase the yielding capacity of the plants.

2- Choose the best light spectrum

In short, this is the colour of the light produced by the lamps. Not all growing lamps produce the same light colour. Green/blue light (which ranges from 490 to 570 nm) helps plants grow by improving their water absorption capacity. In contrast, yellow light (between 570 and 585 nm) encourages plants to grow tall and start developing buds. Red light (which oscillates between 520 – 720 nm) helps increase resin production and bud size. So, if your aim is to fatten the buds, then it’s best to stick with lights that are mainly within the red spectrum.

Read the rest of the article on Kannabia's blog

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